Does CBS Do the Timewarp?
A jump to the left, followed by a step to the ri-yi-yi-i-i-e-ght (right) followed by a few other very slick moves that culminate with the pelvic thrust. But I digress. I'm going on record in that I believe that CBS will attempt to regain some shred of it's "Tiffany© news network" reputation by making a shift to the right and filling the vacuum for a centrist broadcast news outlet. I've suspected this ever since LGF and Powerline handed Dan his gold watch.
So If the years under Dan were a "jump to the left", consider this shifting the weight for that "step to the right" that inevitably follows.
If you have never seen the Rocky Horror Picture Show, don't take this as a recommendation and don't ask. Some things are limited by shelf life and there are things that can't be explained.
With a bit of a mind flip
You're into the ...uh, reality slip....
; >
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