The Majik 8 Ball Predicts...
This buffoon just makes me cringe. He makes Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton seem as "establishment" as Dwight Eisenhower and Adlai Stevenson. How he lasted as a governor (even in Vermont) escapes me. The fact he got elected as the chief executive of a state frightens me. Within the last couple of weeks, he's grabbed great headlines with his proclamation of hate for Republicans and his charitable identification of people of color with low paying service industry jobs.
News flash for Howard. Republicans don't care how you feel... or feel about them and if Fair Skinned Elitist Democrats had any sense, they wouldn't either.
However "people of color" everywhere should be outraged. In one statement he summed up the last 40 years of shallow liberal condescension. "I... Howard Dean hereby allocate all people of color to the Hotel Staffing wing of the Democratic Party."
Howard, if you are is as good a physician as you are a politician, it's good that you don't practice. If I were a past patient of yours, I'd schedule myself for one of those full body scans to look for medical paraphernalia you might have misplaced.
I predict the treatment will do more damage than the ailment. I wonder if the bill GWB signed today will bar the DNC from suing you for malpractice.
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